खंड 1 No. / Issue 4, Page: 1 - 27, June (2024): Research paper - Shakespeare and D L Roy

					View खंड 1 No. / Issue 4, Page: 1 - 27,  June (2024): Research paper - Shakespeare and D L Roy

The influence of Shakespeare can be noticed in several creation of many Indian writers of the 16thcentury among these Dwijendralal Roy has greatly been influenced by Willam Shakespeare as Shakespearehas portrayed many aspects related to society in his creation. The findings have further shown that there is an influence of the literary work of William Shakespeare on the work done by D.L. Roy. dramatic constructs, use of themes based on love and power and use of tragic heroes are a few of the similarities found between the works of these two writers.

प्रकाशित: 2024-10-10
