Vol. 1 No. issue 7 ,Sept 2024 page 440-455 (2024): Analyzing Investment and Economic Growth in a Global Context: A Technology-Driven Development Framework

					View Vol. 1 No. issue 7 ,Sept 2024 page 440-455 (2024): Analyzing Investment and Economic Growth in a Global Context: A Technology-Driven Development Framework

This paper studies an upgraded neo-classical model and board information examination from 1995 to 2020 in the context of physical and human capital investment based on panel data. The outcomes affirm that both physical, and human capital are significant for development as is anticipated under neo-traditional hypothesis but investment in human capital is more important for economic growth. In truth, financial opportunity drives development by empowering interest in human resources. Financial opportunity increments human resources venture, which is a critical driver of development. Our outcomes feature the significance of institutional quality in deciding monetary results, and an expected pathway by which worked on financial institutionality — reasonable supported by better political establishments, for example, more prominent opportunity or contestability empowers human resources improvement which prompts higher development rates. Policy makers are urged to explore policies and strategies on enhancing institutional frameworks in creating the enabling environment for investment inflow as well as achieving sustainable economic development.

Published: 2024-12-30